The Fork & Swoon
Advanced Eden Energy Practitioner, Devi Stern and the "fork & swoon team" demonstrates the Fork and Swoon. A really fun energy technique to open your energies and make you feel great. The Fork and Swoon is demonstrated by Devi Stern, creator and facilitator, for creating a wonderful class to re-balance our energies and come back to our wonderful selves.
Midday Revitalizer
Advanced Eden Energy Practitioner, Devi Stern demonstrates the Midday Revitalizer, an exercise that will help boost your energy no matter what time it is. Everything is energy. Just as the universe is composed of atoms and molecules that are in balance with each other, we are no different.
10 Psalms for Healing
Part 1 | Reb Nachman was the grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement. A renowned scholar and healer in his own right, Reb Nachman believed that the greatest healer was joy. In addition to naming 10 psalms called the Tikun Haklali (General Remedy) for the rectification of the soul, he delineated 10 psalms that are particularly appropriate in times of illness, 3,6,13,20,23,30,38,39,41,121. They correspond to the 10 Spherot of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
The Shower Routine
Advanced Eden Energy Practitioner, Devi Stern demonstrates the Shower Routine, for working with your energies and clearing energies using salt. Additional instruction: stand on the salt as you do the routine.
Daily Routine/Limited Mobility
Advanced Eden Energy Practitioner, Devi Stern demonstrates an alternative method for people with limited mobility to do Donna Eden's 5 minute routine. The beauty of energy medicine is that it allows the energy of the body to tell us what it needs.
10 Psalms for Healing
Part 2 | Reb Nachman was the grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement. A renowned scholar and healer in his own right, Reb Nachman believed that the greatest healer was joy. In addition to naming 10 psalms called the Tikun Haklali (General Remedy) for the rectification of the soul, he delineated 10 psalms that are particularly appropriate in times of illness, 3,6,13,20,23,30,38,39,41,121. They correspond to the 10 Spherot of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.